Our task was to score, cut, twist and fold an A5 peice of white paper to explore the different kinds of 3D shapes you can make. For this I used a cutting mat, white paper and a scalpel.
I started off exploring the different ways of making shapes by scoring the paper to create folds and making little cuts to slot the edges together, as well as cutting shapes away from or out of the paper.
I took photos of my shapes on a white background and created shadow with my desk lamp to emphasize the 3D aspects of them.
Our next task was to pick one of our shapes and then make 10 different variations of it changing or modifying one thing each time. Here is my original and a few of the variations.
To make the variations I added strips, folded them, arranged them in a different order and started from the shorter side of the peice of paper so the strips would be shorter.