Monday, 14 February 2011

Jeremy the Geranium

As I was on my way out to collect some primary research I realised I had plenty just sitting on my windowsill! The way the leaves all grow in the same shape no matter how big or small they are shows the natural way the plant repeats itself. You can also clearly see how all the veins in the leave all stem from one point at the bottom of the leaf.

The spikes/thorns/prickely things that are a pain when they end up in your finger, all grow in rows along the cactus itself and grow in a star formation from each point.

There are plenty of repetitive patterms to be seen here on my lucky bamboo, (dont know why they call it that Ive not had much good luck since buying it). The way each stick curls as it grows forming a spiral, the lines that break up the bamboo into segments and the way that the leaves grow out of the top are all forms of natural repetitive pattern.

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